0093 // World Crave


Our 93rd mix comes from a brand new project from Em Silén and Andreas Huumonen: World Crave. This is something of an exclusive for Stray Landings in so far as the project really is brand new. The duo played their first show only last month. But some will know Huumonen as a part of art collective Ulvsunda Bastusällskap; and Silén through their solo work under rip ME and as a member of the studio collective, Drömfakulteten. rip ME recently revealed the origin of their name, a Taylor Swift interview on the Graham Norton Show in which Swift states, "Rest in peace me. RIP me. I died dead". But the project seems far from perishing, with an official remix of Fever Ray out earlier this year.

Although little is known about the project to date, 'World Crave' offers us utopian promises like the smiley-faced happy-clapitalism of Silicon Valley. Their logo takes the ubiquitous '@' symbol separating user and domain to literally put 'u' at the centre. "World Crave wants to be a part of you, not own you" their bio reads, "embracing your guilty pleasures" and most perhaps importantly, "satisfying your need for speed". Listen below to their half-hour of power, and hold on tight.

No Tracklist Available.

  • Published
  • Oct 3, 2018
Prev in mixes: 0092