Announce New Wave of Performers // Norbergfestival

Announce New Wave of Performers

Sweden's Norbergfestival have announced a new wave of acts, including Young Boy Dancing Group and the Fast Forward collective (Sella Turcica, DJ Ibon, Sugar, Schacke and Ida Engelhardt). The inclusion of Young Boy Dancing Group is part of a broadening in Norberg's booking policy to include media outside of music. The festival will also host Tanzplage, a dance performance from choreographer Lea Martini; and Scape, an immersive project exploring the sonic qualities of body movement.

This festival's performance and arts theme is entitled Choreomania, marking the 500 year memorial of the Dancing Plague of Strasbourg, when a group of dancing people bursted out into the public sphere of the city. As the Nobrerg website explains:

"It was early July 1518 and hundreds of lower working class citizen filled both streets and squares with non-synchronized movements. At the time, dancing was not much about moving, but rather about standing still, forming different poses, like letters in a text. The dancers in Strasbourg formed a non-readable mass, interlinking the individual and the group: difference in between the two was unnecessary. Some of them danced until they died, but yet they didn’t stop dancing. It went on for weeks."

In addition to this we can still expect the usual flurry of left-field electronic acts. As ever, the festival looks to boast a truly diverse range of music, this year including Nkisi, AJA, Errorsmith, An Gella, Kablam, Gábor Lázár and an exciting collaborative performance from Yair Elazar Glotman and Mats Erlandsson, with much more to be announced.

Tickets for Norbergfestival 2018 can be bought here.

  • Published
  • May 25, 2018
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