It's Just // Ed Leigh

It's Just

Moving in similar directions to the likes of Mount Kimbie, Airhead or Shlohmo, Ed Leigh fuses contemplative guitar work with raw, ultra clean electronic production. A quick browse through the 19 year old Preston based producer’s soundcloud reveals how refined his sound has become, all his tracks retaining the same hauntingly organic style.

'It's Just' revolves around some gorgeously tender vocal snatches, alongside twinkling acoustic guitar plucks and gradually evolving percussion. The nice thing about the track's vocals is that they don't sound forced or overly manipulated, helping them to sink into the tracks atmosphere. The opening melancholic riff is retained throughout the track, being slowly developed and manipulated to wonderful dynamic effect. Ed Leigh sidechains airy atmosphere samples, and a droning bassline to rhythmically cement the track, allowing him to keep his percussion near the bare minimum. Interestingly the opening section works in the inverse of this, percussion being the dominant feature, before being overtaken delicate melodies, then steadily building itself back up again.

For now Ed operates out of his own Bandcamp account so you can pick up his tracks there, although he is currently negotiating a release with a recently formed online label -  ’NeuroPlastic Records’, so keep an eye out for that over the coming months.

  • Published
  • Mar 6, 2012
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