Mitternacht // Kommune1


Whether or not his name stems from the radical 1960’s West German commune there is no doubt that the music of Middleborough’s Kommune1 is as Berlin-ish and progressive as the name would suggest.

With DJ support from Pariah and Blawan its clear Kommune1’s distinct slant on Techno will sit nicely next to the latest wave of tracks in the scene’s reinvention. His uncompromising hits stomp along in all the right ways. But what sets Mitternacht apart from the pack is how far Kommune1 pushes the abrasive side of his hits. Nodding almost all the way back to 94’ he brings Regis-esque extremities into a much more relevant framework. Beneath all that lovely noise Kommune1 is playing with some really creative drum sounds that keep the track propulsive. Moving from the cleaner sounds of our time Mitternacht is a pretty progressive track that doesn’t lose any friends on the dance floor.

What we have here is a winning combination of boundary-pushing dynamics with shaking grooves that will make people frown and flail at the same time.

  • Published
  • May 8, 2012
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