Blim // Rommek


Future Garage is a fairly maligned term within dance music circles, and while for the most part I find its omnipresence pretty noxious, I don’t think it would be an unfair label to attach to this 140bpm roller from Rommek – it’s what I’d like Future Garage to sound like, rather than what Future Garage sadly normally does sound like. Although sampling Brandy & Monica’s ‘The Boy is Mine’ seems to have become a rite of passage among producers in the genre, Rommek’s appropriation of said track’s opening line (perhaps tongue in cheek), allows it to take on a different tone here, especially during the atmospheric mini-break about 2.45 in.

The track has three distinct parts. The first couple of minutes build gradually, and so the track never really drops but just becomes more densely laden with percussive elements until the undeniably fat bassline (Zed Bias would be proud) drops a couple of minutes in. The hectic mid-part gives way another two minutes later, before the track reconfigures with a more DJ-friendly 4/4 kick for the last section.

Asides from producing, a glance at Rommek’s soundcloud reveals that he co-hosts a bi-weekly radio show on Devon’s Soundart Radio; and he’s an adroit DJ too, as evidenced by his appearance at Corsica Studios for Church earlier this month. He’s already got a couple of digital releases under his belt on Hot N Heavy Recordings and Infinite Machine which are well worth your time, so I’m looking forward to hopefully getting my hands of a physical release sometime soon.

More information and tunes are available on his aforementioned soundcloud and his facebook page, which you can find here.

  • Published
  • May 18, 2012
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