Forever Gold // Wolf Cub

Forever Gold

Another glimmering Summer soundtrack, Wolf Cub’s ‘Forever Gold’ displays a strong appreciation for sonic subtleties and careful attention to detail. Accentuating intricate shuffling House rhythms, relaxed spoken word vocal fragments slowly shift from a background atmosphere to a key rhythmic component. For me this detail ties the whole piece together, personifying the woozy summer evening vibe of the tune. Perhaps its also this feature that makes Forever Gold sound like Ellipsis’ college dropout - joint smoking younger brother, or it might be down to those wonderfully jazzy staccato synth stabs slinking along over the beat.

Having produced for a couple of years now, 20 year old Leeds based producer ‘Andy Anderton’ is looking at his first release over the summer, although further details are strictly under wraps.

Some of you may remember our article on Kahwe’s ‘Yew’ from last month - Wolf Cub also happens to be a member of the very same Transmission Collective, and by the strength of this track (and his other soundcloud offering Ofelia) is definitely keeping the side strong. Whilst our investigations haven’t led us much further than these two spectacular artists, we can definitely suggest keeping an eye on the Collective over the next few months.

  • Published
  • Jun 11, 2012
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