Singulum // France Jobin


If William Basinski had used an early 2000s CD Player rather than a tape reel to craft his legendary experiment in sonic decay, 'Disintegration Loops', it would probably have some strong parallels with Singulum. The release is the latest offering from Montreal based composer and installation artist France Jobin.

Across her rather substantial career, Jobin has displayed work in galleries everywhere from South Africa to Japan, as well as releasing on a number of different labels. Singulum sees her return to an old residence, LINE Recordings. The label has hosted the likes of Alva Noto, Mark Fell and Yves De Mey since its founding at the start of the millennium, and Jobin's work finds a fitting home here.

Take the washing flourishes of piano across the opening track, 'n'. Between fragile buzzes of phone-line glitch, modem scratches linger in the backdrop. Jobin also uses her drawn out structures to give shifts in the production full impact. On 'I', creeping arps and digitised chimes linger as long as possible before giving way to Jobin's faintly ominous drones.

The timidly developing soundscapes of this release build up to its closing piece, 's'. The track makes for one of Singulum's boldest statements, meditative pools of ambience are left void of further embellishment in an offering of streamlined introspection. Towards the tracks latter half a swelling chord makes repeat appearances; a feature that wouldn't sound out of place in Deepchord or Fluxion's output.

Jobin has cited quantum physics as a strong inspiration for Singulum. She uses a range of audio processing tools to remove her carefully selected field recordings from their original context. In this pursuit, Jobin has endeavored to highlight just how flexible sampling materials can be, creating a release which lingers, its subtle yet graceful motifs rattling around the brain for hours after the final track.

  • Published
  • Feb 24, 2016
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