0031 // SØS Gunver Ryberg


SØS Gunver Ryberg has many talents. Working on an impressively broad spectrum of sound art - from installation and performance pieces to film & video game music, she views the differences between her contrasting approaches in a surprisingly simple fashion. “I don’t necessarily distinguish between my various outputs” she begins when asked about her varied projects. “Working in connection with other media is just another way for me to express myself. People ask me to collaborate with them because they know my sound and music and connect to it” she explains. “I often get commissioned to make a piece for a specific site or setting. Then I’ll typically work with various multi-channel configurations. I enjoy integrating spatial elements whether it is an installation or a performance.”

Whilst adhering to the guidelines set by commissioned work, Ryberg still manages to keep a firm grasp on her notably experimental signature - a sound which her home city of Copenhagen has been rather receptive to. “A lot has been happening in the last few years in the experimental music scene both in Copenhagen, and the rest of Denmark. There is a strong curiosity and openness towards experimental music whether it’s sound art, electronic, new classical music etc. It inspires me and make me feel free.”

With a live performance at Atonal Festival imminent, Ryberg’s podcast for us gives us a taster of what can be expected; comprised of twenty-two minutes of abrasive, droning atmospheres and clamourous percussion. “I’m very excited to be part of the Atonal festival - I’m looking forward to experiencing the unique acoustic space, the whole vibe and ambience in that setting. I’ve worked on a mix that represents my expression, ranging from one earlier composition SIVA to a new one Cirro_Stratus which is recorded live in my studio. My set for Atonal is a continued dive into the transformative physical power of sound. It will be a mix between insistent rhythms and a meticulous exploration of textures and timbres.”

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0031 // SØS Gunver Ryberg by Stray Landings on Mixcloud

  • Published
  • Aug 20, 2014
Prev in mixes: 0030