0089 // Katsunori Sawa (Steven Porter)


On 5th May, Katsunori Sawa and Yuji Kondo will release their last EP together as Steven Porter. The project began around 2011, seeing the duo release everything from shunting excursions in dub-decay, through to doom-clouded early-hours thrillers on the likes of Weevil Neighbourhood and SNTS. Their final offering, the 'Reservoir' EP, is a Tesla-charged assault on the senses, utilising swollen low-end abstractions, apocalyptic kick drums and nuclear-fallout clouds of ambience to destructive intent.

Speaking with us last week, Sawa stresses their collaboration is likely to continue in other forms. "We still have unreleased tracks and will continue make music together", he begins. "But we don't know about releasing more in the future... Steven Porter broke up at the end of 2017. There was no particular reason other that that we want to make music in a new colour. It is something natural. Me and Yuji will walk a new way from this year - there will be lots of releases over 2018."

Sawa and Kondo first met at a gig Kondo was playing at, and the collaboration developed naturally from there. "I was surprised about his music and recall that he played drone and noise sounds on stage", he recalls. "It was a very simple story; I don't like 'band naming' so I gave the name Steven Porter."

Sawa's mix for us deviates from the fear tactics they deploy in their own productions, presenting a cross-section of acousmatic experiments, aurora borealis pop and fog entombed synth anthems. "No instant music, only real music in this mix" he explains when asked about the influences behind it. "I cannot describe it with words, just listen. Genre and age are not important here. I feel music was simple but has become complicated recently, in good and bad ways."

"In Japanese Kanji, 'music' is '音楽', 'sound' is '音' and 'enjoy' is '楽'. If you come to Japan, you will find it. Music is not only music, it is everything, like people."

You can stream the EP on Kynant's Soundcloud page.

No Tracklist Available

  • Published
  • May 2, 2018
Prev in mixes: 0088